Friday, July 31, 2009


Every moment of your life is a new begining, for now is eternity. Since this moment is all we have and will ever have let us start this moment to weave our magic carpet of Love and Romance.

All guilts, frastrations fears, sorrows and hatreds habe been voided as in truth they have.

Love can open all doors and heal all wounds. The magnificent vistories of those who now understand the true meaning of the message which JESUS gav ewhen he was on earth "LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER" foretell a victory for all mankind.

To unfold a new and glorious chapter in life built on Love, Truth, Honesty, Kindness and Loyalty all the qualities we cannot see, but we can know upon these qualities we can weave a beautiful pattern for our lives. Our desire is to build a temple of light and love our bodies with these qualities that come from within us .

We wake up each morning greatful for another wonderful day of sharing in a state of constant expectancy of wonderful things happening to us during the day. Truly, most wonderful experience everday is to share happy moments with each other. All things on earth cannot give us happiness if we do not have each other.

When you wake with a smile on your lips, you meet the day with a smile. Everything that you do is tinged with love and joy hence is done well. "Work done with love is always well done" because it gives inner satisfaction and pleases teh one to whom you have given service. "Service with love beings man his greatest fulfilment."

Living in a constant state of joyous anticipation and ecstasy, is being in time with the infinite as "every man is important to every other man for each is born to fill the need of the other"

Each man's capacity of doing anything is his alone. To recognise each one's limitations and to be tolerant of each other's short comings takes years of self discipline. Sometimes it takes a great shock or a great tragedy to teach one the true meaning of tolerance.

REMEMBER to define your goal and everything you do should be dedicated to your goal when this is done you will definitely bring meaning to your life.